Sundays, 10am | South Street
try church sundays
Drifted out of church? Never been before?
Everyone is welcome along to four Sundays in January to try church and explore the message of Jesus.
Whether you're a Christian looking for a church, or just exploring the message of Jesus, we’re so glad you’ve shown an interest in us.
We're part of Elgin, Forres, and Burghead Free Church, and the Free Church of Scotland.
What happens?
We’d love to welcome you on Sundays!Services last about an hour. We sing, pray, listen to a talk explaining the Bible, and chat together over refreshments . We aim to do everything in a way that’s clear & easy to understand for all.
Sunday 26 Jan. - 10am
Try Church Sunday - 'How can I follow God?' Speaker: Peter TurnbullClick to watch online, or download the order of service (available by Friday)
Sunday 26 Jan. - 6pm
Speaker: *Gavin Thomas
Passage Matthew 4:1-11Click to watch online, or download the order of service (available by Friday)
As well as our Sunday services, we have events and groups for all ages across our Burghead & Elgin Locations. Highlights include Small Group Bible Studies (in homes across the region), regular prayer gatherings, and a range of activities for kids and youth.
Elgin Free Church, South St, Elgin, IV30 1JW.There is ample free parking in nearby carparks. Elgin bus station is a 5m walk.
Local Elders: (click name to contact)
Peter Turnbull (Minister), Richard Stirling (Elder), Brian Roby (Associate Minister)The whole congregation: ministers of the gospel!
Our Mission "Knowing Jesus & making Jesus known, to the glory of his name." Our Vision: "To grow to become three vibrant, all-age churches each of 100 disciples."
We have a varied programme for Kids and Youth. We also help run the Rooted Moray Youth eventClick to download our kids and youth publicity for more.
From our General Fund, to our Fabric Fund - all the ministry of our church is funded by the generous giving of the Lord's people here. "remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
© Elgin, Forres, & Burghead Free Church.
Scottish Registered Charity No. SC016070 (Burghead) & SC038129 (Elgin)